Georadar drone

Terrestrial penetration radar  (  GPR ) is a geophysical instrument that uses radar pulses to create an underground image. The GPR is a sensor that uses electromagnetic radiation in the microwave band (UHF / VHF frequencies) of the radio spectrum and allows to detect the signals reflected by the structures of the subsoil. GPR can have applications in a variety of analyzes, including rock, earth, ice, fresh water, sidewalks and structures. Professionals can use GPR to detect subsoil objects, changes in material properties, voids and cracks.

The system consists of a multi-rotor drone integrated with Ground Penetrating Radar (  GPR ). The drone flight is planned and managed using full functionality via flight planning software. Postproduction software for GPR data is also available .

You can also choose between a ready-to-use system or opt for an integration kit for your drone.


The integrated GPR-drone system allows you to measure the water depth or profile the bottom of freshwater rivers, lakes, ponds up to 15 meters deep.

Advantages: possibility to work even when the water is frozen or the surface of the water is partially covered with ice. Compared to the bathymetry that uses a boat (equipped with echo sounders), the drone with a GPR offers better precision in the following detection lines thanks to the integrated GPS and the automated flight. Furthermore, in most cases, a drone makes it much easier to deliver the necessary equipment to the desired area.





  • Ability to detect areas that are difficult to access
  • Ability to see through shallow waters and determine the structure of the subsoil
  • GPR systems are simple and easy to use and make field operations practical
  • The integrated operation with GPS offers geo-referenced analyzes



Scanning and evaluation
Forensic analysis
Roads, Bridges and Viaducts Inspection
Building sites
Mines and quarries
Demining and Military Inspections
Glacier analysis


Soil profiling is a standard activity that must be carried out before any project or construction work. The standard technique involves performing dozens of holes or performing a GPR survey with a cart.

The integrated GPR drone system offers greater work productivity and allows for safer working conditions for staff in the case of rough terrain and faster analysis.

The GPR allows you to find any potentially dangerous underground waterways or lakes.

The data collected by the integrated GPR drone system that flies at an altitude of 5 meters above an asphalt-covered parking lot is shown in Figure 4. The soil layers are clearly visible.


I dati raccolti dal sistema integrato di drone GPR che vola ad un’altitudine di 5 metri sopra un parcheggio coperto da asfalto sono mostrati nella Figura 4. Gli strati di terreno sono chiaramente visibili.

Immagine:  terreno sotto un parcheggio misurato fino a una profondità di 36 m  

We supply GPR for drones and ugv robots , both complete and custom kits developed according to customer needs. Contact us and discover all the information and possibilities of the GPR .