Check out photovoltaic panel inspections with drones and monitoring services for trellises and power lines.
From energy to your future, innovates with Horus Dynamics.
Ensure maximum operational and productive efficiency thanks to our drone inspections.
Renewable energies if properly exploited do not affect or impair the natural resources available to man. These energy sources regenerate after each cycle of use and their profitable exploitation is closely related to the management and maintenance of the efficiency standards of the plants.
Horus Dynamics, thanks to its wide range of remote-control services for the industry, is able to provide an always updated, valid and reliable dataset on the state of the plants, which allows our customers to maximize efficiency and reduce the costs of management.
Our services are articulated according to the customer’s operational needs; we are able to provide inspection video and thermal imaging surveys with FLIR certified systems, which allow to detect any loss of efficiency or structural damage.
The photogrammetric sensing solutions, made with the latest SenseFly technologies, also allow to create “entirely” navigable 3D models, DTM and orthophotos with accuracy up to 1.5 cm/pixel, which can be easily and effectively exploited by personnel and the management of our clients for evaluation or planning and preventive verification.